Students are really nice, very disciplined. Everyone is listening. Maybe sometimes I will have one student sleeping, but overall they are attentive, and participating (well it depends of the class, but there will be always one person to speak!).
I find the level of English if not very high though in general.
One of the students wrote “I dislike English. I hope English disappears from the world…”! Surprisingly it was one of the best copies! Another one wrote “…I like potato, but I like potato because I like potato. I like rather potato that potato, etc.”. lol But once again, there were no mistakes! ;) it’s funny what you can read sometimes. I am glad I don't have to mark those!! I wonder how a teacher reacts to that!!
The first theme was about food. So I learnt flavored (amae, supai, etc.). The second theme was about health. On the textbook, in the vocabulary for treatments there were gargle and put on a flu mask. I think it’s the first time I ever see that!!
by the way, I see more and more teachers gargle in the classroom!!! So weird! And when they are coughing, they wear a surgical mask! The English teacher was kind of shocked when I told him in France or in Canada we don’t wear those!! I actually hated wearing a mask at work (in the clean room!) and I was sick. I feel disgusting to sneeze on those!! I had to change mask each time I was sneezing!!
The theme now is about household chores (that I had pronounced “kores” at first!! Shame on me!!). I prepared a list or images and vocabulary. In the list I had put “mow the lawn”. The teacher came to me and said “we don’t really do that here, we don’t have garden!”. Oh right!!
4 commentaires:
A teacher told me once that a teacher had to be someone who learns things constantly.
gargle in class. OK that is gross. But I guess it must be a cultural thing. I think it is very interesting how "good manners" change from culture to culture. Oh well
When I used to TA chemistry labs I noticed I was usually sucked in the fist class of the week, but got better in the succeeding classes. You can answer questions faster, and with more confidence. You can do the next classes with your eyes closed! Of course there will be the occasional smart one that will catch you off guard. Grrrrrr.
Beware of a class that is very "disciplined." It might mean that they don't understand a single thing!!I've had classes like that before. Lol.
And, yes, I used to HATE English class also. I found it so pointless, but I guess in the end it helped me a lot when I moved to Canada - hihihi.
elpadawan...and it's true!
jojo, you are back!! good to hear from you!! :)
- they don't gargle in class, but in the teacher room! But those who has done was pretty tactful. I saw it cause I am close to the sink!
- don't worry, I notices when students don't understand a word! you can see on their face! :)
- yes me too I supposed it helped me in Canada! but you even more, in the Philippines you are already fluent before leaving the country!
next time I have to speak about French class! ;) I miss my students! :)
I enjoyed reading your article about your English class...I also had the same experience, I always feel sorry for the first class of the week. Nat, I did not know that they used to exchange "l" and "r". It's cute too how they come up with those statements...I'm glad you're enjoying it! :-) -ruby
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