lundi 3 août 2009

Things I will miss from Japan

Pour vous faire patienter sur mon voyage, voilà une liste non exhaustive (désolée, en anglais! On verra plus tard si j'ai le temps de traduire!)

- FOOD! (especially rice, sushi, ramen, okonomiyaki, nabe…and also mocchi, azuki, etc.)
- conbini
- Almost all of my kids
- People running to get you something quickly in the supermarket. Kindness of people in general
- Kotatsu
- School life & events
- Festivals (including food stands)
- Hyaku en shops (which sell everything!) (= 100 yens)
- School enkais and crazy nijikais
- sumo on TV
- eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh???
- Students that shout your name in the street in a nice way!
- Apples the size of babies' heads and tiny eggplants or cucumbers.
- Traveling with friends to see a fabulous historic site or landcapes.
- The mountains
- The rice fields
- Green tea and Matcha
- Japanese fashion!
- karaoke
- onsen
- no strikes in public transportation! (trains always on time!! La SNCF devrait en prendre exemple!!)
- the public toilets (anywhere, heated toilet seats/washlet, clean (except at the train stations!)
- landscapes that vary from coastal islands to flat plains to forested mountains within a 30 km distance
-vending machines on every corner
-Engrish / Flench
-sports fans who are genki and enthusiastic but never rude or violent
-being able to use perfectly apt untranslatable Japanese words like "hanami" and "koyou" and have people know what I'm talking about.
- and using words like sugoi/hai/honto without sounding like a complete prat. (cf next post!)
- leave my bike pretty much anywhere almost unlocked!! Actually I will miss my mamachari! :p
- being regarded as the most interesting person in the whole school/city
- doing simple everyday tasks and then being told how wonderful I am for doing it
- being called KAKKOI just for speaking French
- Janken
- Getting free tissue papers
- safety
- doing sport pretty much whenever I can with teachers, students or friends.
- taiko
- hearing students cheering when playing sports with music from orchestra in the background each time I pass by a school...

and I am sure I forgot some... ;((

Et Bon Anniversaire Papunet!!

3 commentaires:

YoC a dit…

add Umeboshi! :)

Nat a dit…

it's part of food! :)

YoC a dit…


add nice cellphone! :)
add Izumigatake view from your HS. :)